12/1(목) 도쿄제국호텔 개최 EBRD 중앙아시아 투자포럼 안내 (한국기업 참여 안내)
登録日:22-10-28 00:00 照会:76,988
12/1(목) 도쿄제국호텔 개최 EBRD 중앙아시아 투자포럼 안내 (한국기업 참여 안내)

날짜: 12월 1일 목요일
장소: 일본 동경 제국호텔
주최 : 유럽부흥개발은행
공동주최 : 일본정부, JBIC, JICA
행사 어젠다 등은 register 버튼을 누루시거나, 하단의 링크로 들어가시면 됩니다.
Join the latest edition of the Central Asia Investment Forum (CAIF) organised by the EBRD and the Government of Japan, in cooperation with Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and organising partners*. The Forum will take place on Thursday 1 December 2022 at the iconic Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan.
Central Asia’s economies are expected to grow in 2023 and show resilience to geopolitical turmoil - creating opportunities for smart investors. To this end, we are bringing together government and business leaders to explore the region’s rich prospects for economic development.
This year’s edition of the Central Asia Investment Forum, titled Building bridges for sustainable growth, will provide an overview of sectors with strong investment potential, ranging from trade to energy and infrastructure, and a focus on sustainability.
The Forum offers panel discussions with leading international experts, as well as networking opportunities with government leaders, senior executives, sector specialists and EBRD representatives active in Central Asia.
We look forward to welcoming you in Tokyo.
*We would like to thank our organising partners:
Japan Association for Corporate Executives (KEIZAI DOYUKAI)
Japan Association for Trade with Russia and NIS (ROTOBO)
Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN)
Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (JCCI)
Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
TOTAL 1,116